Diabetes information leaflets
Diabetes: the Basics (includes information on the different types of diabetes; treatments; myths etc)
Hypoglycaemia: a patient leaftlet
Local Diabetes Research
There is plenty of evidence that people who take part in research tend to have better outcomes, and our aim is that by being research active we are also supporting a high standard of diabetes care in our practices.
We work in partnership with Professor Wilding’s team at the University of Liverpool/Aintree University Hopsital to recruit, from our practices, to diabetes and obesity research studies. Some are academic studies and some are commercial studies looking at the effect and safety of new drugs and treatments.
If you are interested in taking part in these please contact:
Peta Navein our Diabetes Nurse Consultant on: 07766814057 or by email to peta.navein@nhs.net;
Brownlow Health Central
Brownlow Health @ Pembroke Place
Brownlow Health @ Ropewalks
Brownlow Health @ Student Health
Brownlow Health @ Marybone
2 Vauxhall Road
L3 2BG
Tel: 0151 3308200
Brownlow Health @ Princes Park
Bentley Road
L8 0SY
Tel: 0151 295 9222
Brownlow Health @ Kensington Park
157 Edge Lane
L7 2PT
Tel: 0151 295 8770