
YPAS Liverpool

We work closely with YPAS Liverpool, who offer a number of services for young people in Liverpool, such as counselling, anger awareness, and daily drop in sessions.

They now offer  the Primary Care Liaison Service for Children & Young People, which is an early intervention service that aims to give CYP, who may not have received any help before, access to mental health and emotional wellbeing support, early on, in a way that is convenient.

The service can be offered in GP surgeries, YPAS hubs and via digital platform Zoom.

The YPAS team of Primary Care Wellbeing Practitioners are qualified to provide low level CBT based interventions as well as advice & guidance (IAG).  They will also provide liaison between services and ensure that CYP and families are supported throughout this process.

The PCL supports children, young people and their families from 0-25 years old. Practitioners will support parents of primary school aged children and under.

The YPAS Primary Care Liaison Practitioners can offer support for a variety of difficulties, such as: 

  • Worries and anxiety
  • Low mood and depression
  • Problems with sleep
  • Feelings of panic
  • Phobias
  • Understanding emotions
  • Managing stress
  • Parenting Intervention working with a child’s Anxiety/Behaviour 

How do I access the Primary Care Liaison Service?

A GP or another Primary Care Health Professional can refer you to this service at YPAS

Primary Care Wellbeing Practitioners.  They will contact you by telephone discuss next steps with you.

This video gives an overview of the service:


General resources

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome- helping your child to get better.

Information for patients about Female Genital Mutilation.

GP Champs project– Thursday evening GP drop in session for young people in Liverpool.

Helping children and adolescents to cope with a death in the family. 

Hope Support– Support for young people when a close family member is diagnosed with a life-threatening illness.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder(OCD): factsheet for young people.   

Talking to the GP- a guide for young people.

Young people talking to the GP- a guide for parents.

Worries about weight and eating problems: information for young people.

Eating disorders

Eating disorders are illnesses that stem from both emotional and psychological distress and result in an obsessive relationship with food in terms of over or under eating. Having the ability to control the amount and type of food consumed makes sufferers believe they are coping with their problems and offers a way to block out painful feelings.

The Practice has a GP who specialises in all eating disorders, but most of our clinicians are fairly experienced in this field, and so you should simply book an appointment with any GP if you are concerned.

Anorexia Nervosa

A person with anorexia nervosa deliberately loses weight. The weight loss may become severe and life threatening. Treatment includes cognitive behavioural therapy, if appropriate, sometimes medication and self help measures.

Anorexia is a serious illness which affects all sorts of people. Although it is regarded as a fairly recent illness, in fact anorexia has been known about since medieval times. However, it is becoming more common all over the world.

For more information see this information leaflet from Patient.co.uk.

Bulimia Nervosa

People with bulimia nervosa have bouts of binge eating. This is followed by self-induced vomiting or other measures to counteract the excessive food intake.

Bulima is a condition where you think a lot about your body weight and shape. It affects your ability to have a ‘normal’ eating pattern. In bulimia you are most likely to be normal weight or above. For more information see thisinformation leaflet from Patient.co.uk.


Family crisis

Hope Support offers support for young people when a close family member is diagnosed with a life-threatening illness.  There is a section specifically for students on their website, including the option of online one to one support.

Mental health

We have listed lots of useful resources HERE on our mental health section, and there are some fantastic self help information on the FreshCAMHS website.


Sexual Health

At Brownlow Health we provide comprehensive and confidential sexual health and contraceptive services.  Click HERE for more details, and for link to other resources and services. 

Young carers

Are you a young carer in Liverpool, or do you know someone who is?
Barnardo’s Action with Young Carers Project can offer support by offering:
-someone to talk to who will listen.
-information about the illness or disability of the person you care for.
-someone to speak up for you when no one wants to listen.
a break from caring.
-help, advice and support for the person you care for.

Glandular fever

Also known as the ‘kissing disease’ glandular fever is caused by an infectious virus which is passed on by saliva and from coughs and sneezes. Glandular fever causes a flu like illness with temperature, headache, sore throat and swollen glands and can cause a tiredness lasting for some time after first onset.

Glands may swell in the armpits and groin, and diagnosis is confirmed by a blood test. There is no treatment for glandular fever but it can be helped by drinking plenty of water, eating healthily and keeping a good sleep pattern with plenty of rest.

More information here, from NHS Choices.

Brownlow Health Central

Brownlow Health @ Pembroke Place

Brownlow Health @ Ropewalks

Brownlow Health @ Student Health

Brownlow Health @ Marybone

2 Vauxhall Road
L3 2BG
Tel: 0151 3308200

Brownlow Health @ Princes Park

Bentley Road
L8 0SY
Tel: 0151 295 9222

Brownlow Health @ Kensington Park

157 Edge Lane
L7 2PT
Tel: 0151 295 8770