Weight management

If you are concerned about your weight please book an appointment with a doctor, a nurse or our health trainer to see how we can help you.
The causes and solutions for weight gain can be complex and there is a considerable amount of dodgy information and even dodgier medications that we would recommend you to avoid.
As well as excluding medical causes, and supporting you, there are free local services that we can refer you to, if appropriate, to help you to identify the right pathway for you.

Six of our GPs specialise in weight management and are part of the team for the NHS Liverpool specialist community based service with aintree hospital known as ‘Aintree LOSS’ providing specialist dietetic advice, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, psychology and medical management and assessment for weight loss surgery.

In order to access the ‘Aintree LOSS’ service, you must meet the following criteria:

Aged at least 18 years

BMI >40 with or without obesity related co morbidities

BMI > 35 with at least one obesity related co morbidity

More details about Aintree LOSS can be found here.

Brownlow Health Central

Brownlow Health @ Pembroke Place

Brownlow Health @ Ropewalks

Brownlow Health @ Student Health

Brownlow Health @ Marybone

2 Vauxhall Road
L3 2BG
Tel: 0151 3308200

Brownlow Health @ Princes Park

Bentley Road
L8 0SY
Tel: 0151 295 9222

Brownlow Health @ Kensington Park

157 Edge Lane
L7 2PT
Tel: 0151 295 8770